My Deen

Islam ..
The world's everlasting religion, sent to all humanity. It is the religion of the instinct which was preached by our prophet  Muhammad who called men to it, so as to bring them up from darkness to light.
It is a belief in the oneness of Allah, a faith in the message of our prophet Muhammad to all mankind.

This religion
Dose not compel anyone to adhere thereto, this is intended for the Call addressed to all people in general. But when the Call is addressed to the believers in the Holy Books, Islam requires all Muslims to show them the highest amiability and kindness.

Belief in Islam of anyone who adheres to it shall not become valid unless he believes in all prophets and Messengers. Islam did not take an attitude of challenge towards the heavenly religions which preceded it, or an attitude of opposition and negation, because they all derive from Allah and Islam is their continuation.

In this religion, there is no intermediary between Allah, creator of the universe, and the man.

When the soul chooses it, believes in its spirit, is confident in its teachings, it dose not go away from it, and does not accept anything instead, for, it is the nearest to the human nature of the soul.

It calls to virtue, justice and compassion.

It regulates the relation of man with Allah as the relation between man and his brother in humanity.

Adherence to Islam
When a human being is convinced of the truthfulness of this religion, and wishes to adhere thereto, he has only to believe in his own heart, and confess this belief by saying:

I confess that there is no god but Allah and I confess that Muhammad is his prophet

And, therefore, the person will be a Muslim
This declaration is called in Islam
the Two testimonies

Their meaning is : That Allah is one and unique, that He is the creator of the universe, that Muhammad ibn Abdullah is his prophet whom He has sent to mankind, with whom He has closed his messengers, to call the people to believe in Allah, his Angels, his Books, his Messengers and the Day of Judgment.

The reference:

Hint :
If you think to convert to my Deen Islam and become a Muslim the following site will be helpful to you:

Best wishes